Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Almost mid-December

It has been so long that I have written a blog...6 months about...I decided it's that time once again. I never thought I would get into blogging..and I haven't. No surprise there. What is surprising however is that I kind of would like to be a blogging machine....think Julie and Julia. I just saw it and I feel like if I had something like that in my life I could make it through. I think I should try baking through my cake book or maybe I'll bake through all of my cookie recipes, I don't know....the only problem I have is that the ingredients will run me a lot of money more than likely...and I don't really like doing dishes at all. Well...maybe that goal should be later on in life (like when I have an amazing kitchen and a dishwasher..haha!, here's my new thought on the subject of blogging for a cause. I will try to blog at least 3 times a week (totally doable...and healthy for the mind) about what is going on in, that's not good...I need something I can blog about regularly that will keep me motivated in my life...what to do, what to do....


Give me ideas! Thanks, and until next time....

A wise man hears one word and understands two.
~Yiddish Proverb

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