Friday, December 11, 2009

I've got it up to here....

Well, it is finally Friday. I've been practicing guitar all week and I can actually see myself improving..awesome. Clearly my guitar teacher knows what I need to feel successful...haha! I absolutely love this time of the year. The snow, the cold weather, gloves, jackets, scarves, Thanksgiving, Christmas, all of it. I almost even like the later sunrise...the early sunset not so much but when you get up before the sun you feel accomplished! I like being able to successfully wake up in the morning so being up before the sun kind of accentuates that. :-) Life has been a whirlwind for me recently (like it ever isn't...). It's the end of the quarter so it's time for final grades and finals and all that fun stuff and on top of that, I am the Literacy Coach (and I've been having meetings) and I'm the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) Facilitator/Lead and there's been a lot going on with that, and I'm in charge of getting a Prom pulled together, all sorts of wonderfully mundane stuff..It should be pretty cool to have a Prom under my belt though...and I plan on posting the pictures of the decorations on my cake decorating/party planning business website...maybe that will help make it succeed. Who knows.
I'm excited because I created a group on Facebook for the Chaparral High School, class of 2004 10 year reunion and it already has 84 members. That is a great start! :-) So, there's one more thing on the plate...haha, that probably won't be so bad though because we've got 5 years to plan that one out...:-p

Well, that's enough for now.
Until next time,
"And the days went by like paper in the wind. Everything changed, then changed again. It's hard to find a friend. It's hard to find a friend."
- Tom Petty

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Unfinished business

Well, here I's the senior English class' time to journal anything that comes to their mind, so I am using the time/opportunity to blog! It still hasn't snowed more than maybe an inch total....I think I need to move soon...I NEED snow. It sucks because just like 10 minutes from my house they probably have 5 inches. I thought that by living near the lake I'd get lake effect snow..turns out that doesn't always mean more...sad day. Well, it's December 10th...which means it's my 5 year and 2 monthiversary...pretty sweet. Things have been hectic around here with the end of the quarter coming up quickly..

5 min up...more to come later.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Almost mid-December

It has been so long that I have written a blog...6 months about...I decided it's that time once again. I never thought I would get into blogging..and I haven't. No surprise there. What is surprising however is that I kind of would like to be a blogging machine....think Julie and Julia. I just saw it and I feel like if I had something like that in my life I could make it through. I think I should try baking through my cake book or maybe I'll bake through all of my cookie recipes, I don't know....the only problem I have is that the ingredients will run me a lot of money more than likely...and I don't really like doing dishes at all. Well...maybe that goal should be later on in life (like when I have an amazing kitchen and a dishwasher..haha!, here's my new thought on the subject of blogging for a cause. I will try to blog at least 3 times a week (totally doable...and healthy for the mind) about what is going on in, that's not good...I need something I can blog about regularly that will keep me motivated in my life...what to do, what to do....


Give me ideas! Thanks, and until next time....

A wise man hears one word and understands two.
~Yiddish Proverb